Tuesday, January 29, 2013

# Malu-nya ! #

Salam alls. Jumpa lagi hari ni. (gedik gila buat post banyak-banyak.) Tak kesahlah kau nak kata apa, Jah oi! Yang penting aku HAPPY~ ^__^ Okay, straight to the point-lah. Just so you know, aku baru lepas post entry pagi-pagi buta tadi. It's about the feelings I hold back so that I won't get sunk by it. Huh~! How frustrated a person can get when others know how they feel towards someone else.

I just can let you out of my sight. You know what, it's true when I said I can't get my eyes off you. Even for a minute or two. Damn! I can't believe this fact is killing me. Okay-lah, aku pun malas nak ber-poet panjang lebar. My blog friend here knows this guy I've mention in my last post. And FYI, this friend is also my classmate. Omaigat! I'm doomed.

It's okay as long as dia tak spread the news to all class. Habis malu aku, Jah. Oh, just about a few hours ago aku baru habis meeting untuk rombongan ke mana entah tu. By the time aku duduk kat lantai tu, this friend look at me with curiosity. Pergh! Malu aku. Aku tak expect pun yang dia dah baca entry aku tu. Dia come to me and said that dia dah baca entry tu.

Terkejut mak! Aku dah cuak habis masa tu. Macam mana yang aku tak cuak, dia boleh tengok aku then gelak-gelak. What that's supposed to mean none other than that dia dah baca entry tu. Omaigat! Dah boleh kena mental breakdown kot. Okay-lah, thanks for your good luck wish. I appreciated it so much.

Teringat coklat M&Ms. Picture time semester 2. ^__^

That's all for today. As-salam A'laikum~ -__-"


7-one =) said...

don't worry geng..aku simpan rahsia kite..aku x kn bgthu kwn2x kelas kite y lein..promise dear...jgn stress k..aku pegang janji aku..=)

A said...

Okay. aku letakkan sepenuh kepercayaan kat kau. *ayat skematikus plak*

7-one =) said...

hahaha...don't worry...gud luck again..:)

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